Getting Started

The installation process should be easy, but do not hesitate to reach out for help if needed.


The following is a list of the dependencies to build AbSolute; note that we explain below how to install OCaml if you do not have it already.


We install OCaml and AbSolute through the OCaml package manager opam. First, install opam and the necessary libraries with your package manager and initialize opam:

sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev
sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev
sudo apt-get install opam # on Debian, see opam documentation for other distributions.
opam init --comp 4.09.0+flambda # Initialize ~/.opam with a freshly compiled OCaml 4.07.1

The next step is to download and build AbSolute. If you intent to modify the source code and possibly contribute to the project, jump to the contributing chapter. Otherwise, you can install it from opam:

opam repo add solvers
opam install absolute

AbSolute is currently only a library project, so it must be used in an OCaml project, which we explain in the next chapter.

To update absolute (and any OPAM package) to the latest version, you can simply type:

opam update
opam install absolute